
GRAY - Graphic Novel & Audiodrama; Oscar Wilde reimagined

Created by Prodigal Entertainment

The Picture of Dorian Gray, but not as we know it. Our Gray is a violent criminal in NYC. She’s also an immortal creature of magic.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Final fulfilment update on GRAY
3 months ago – Tue, Jun 18, 2024 at 05:25:12 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Fulfilment Update
6 months ago – Thu, Mar 21, 2024 at 12:08:47 PM

Very quick update:

  • All US books are out and you should have them or will do in the next couple of days. 
  • We have got about 5% returns from folks who didn't update your addresses/or for other reasons USPS couldn't get to you. We are emailing you to figure this out. 
  • Canadian books were all sent but then frustratingly got returned because of some issue with customs paperwork.   We are sorting this but will be delayed for Canadians. Sorry. 
  • UK/EU and ROW - are now en route to regional distribution hubs. We apologize for delays to you and hope you will be patient with us.  It's the only way we wouldn't have gone thousands of $ over budget in our postage bills and/or have had to ask you for more money. 

Will be in touch soon re Audio version! 

Fulfilment Update!
7 months ago – Sat, Feb 17, 2024 at 02:49:12 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

GRAY Volume 2 is in my Garage! Demons won WW2! and other news from GRAY
7 months ago – Fri, Feb 02, 2024 at 04:03:28 PM

From a big truck to a little truck, from the little truck to my garage... we have the KS copies of GRAY Volume 2!

Envelopes are being ordered, friends are being press-ganged into a packaging party, and all going well US people will have your books by Valentine's Day and international by my birthday, a week later... 

If you need to update an address please do so by emailing [email protected]  and please give your full name, pledge details and new address. 

There's a handful of you who haven't paid postage etc, last chance for that also and those reminders have gone out via Backerkit.

Three more things for now.   

First, an apology to those who pledged for Tarot Cards or Post Cards.  We haven't done them yet. Candidly, our team shrunk during the WGA/SAG strikes and we just haven't had the human power to pull these things together. 

We know you don't want these books delayed any further, so we decided best to get them out without the cards, and we will do our best to get the cards done in a timely manner and out to you later in the year once we are staffed up a bit again. 

Secondly, since we know you like demons of vengeance, you might be interested in another story of mine, currently in the science fiction chart over at Audible.   
Darkness Visible Audiobook By Arvind Ethan David cover art
It is June 1940. The war against Hitler’s forces is raging. And the tide is turning against the British. In this hour of despair, Prime Minister Winston Churchill receives a mysterious letter from an even more mysterious woman, offering a Faustian bargain and a promise of victory. But if Churchill accepts, will he be condemning his nation’s very soul?

If you do listen, please do leave a rating and a review, it makes a huge difference. 

Finally, just to share a feeling of awe.  When the 18 wheeler truck pulled up today, I thought, this is crazy. I had an idea for a comic, I posted about it on Kickstarter, and today there's an giant freaking truck filled with my books.  That's a weird feeling and a good one. And I owe you guys for it.  Thank you. 


Books on a Boat! Darkness Visible Audible launches today!
8 months ago – Thu, Jan 11, 2024 at 09:31:48 AM

Two lighting quick updates:

  1.  GRAY Vol 2 is printed and getting on a BOAT from CHINA.    See pictures below.  We don't have a fixed date for arrival in the US yet, and then it has to clear customs and do all the usual things, but unless it is a VERY slow boat from china (see what we did there) we are optimistic US backers will have it by the end of February and intentional backers shortly thereafter.
  2. Our current Audible Original DARKNESS VISIBLE launched today.  Based on Mike Carey and my graphic novel of the same title, It asks the question - could an unholy alliance with a demon race win WW2?   Be amongst the first to check it out, by clicking here or on the below image. 

    Thank you,  Arvind 

    Darkness Visible Audiobook By Arvind Ethan David cover art