
GRAY - Graphic Novel & Audiodrama; Oscar Wilde reimagined

Created by Prodigal Entertainment

The Picture of Dorian Gray, but not as we know it. Our Gray is a violent criminal in NYC. She’s also an immortal creature of magic.

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A message from Dorian Gray
almost 4 years ago – Wed, Apr 21, 2021 at 06:22:46 PM

My Lords and Ladies:

As a member of the leisure class,  I have to tell you, this CrowdFunding lark is rather too much work. 

I mean, there I was, thinking that all I'd have to do is announce our little book and radio play on the internet and the money bags would come flying as I lounged in my bath of finest unicorn milk.  Alas, the reality has proved somewhat more strenuous than that. 

All the hard day long, I've been here, emailing, tweet-twittering, calling in favours from every cousin I've ever kissed,  and shouting from the rooftops. Also: pacing nervously and hitting the refresh key nonchalantly.  I've worked up quite an appetite. 

But, by Lady Windemere's fine arse, it's been worth it.  Because look at us now. 12 hours in and nearly 50% to our goal.   That's exciting.   I can't wait to see what the night will bring.   Usually, it brings a lot of pleasure and intrigue.  But tonight I might even be too nervous for that.  I might have to make do with drinking myself into a stupor. 

Before the green devil takes me, let me just say: thank you, you beautiful, gorgeous people. There will be lashings of champagne for all of you before this is done.  Well, for some of you.  For others, just lashings.  

Toodles,     DG. 

Thank you Early Birds! You get the cucumber sandwiches!
almost 4 years ago – Tue, Apr 20, 2021 at 08:50:00 PM

Dear Sisters of Gray

Thank you so much for being early adopters.  Here we are only four hours into our launch and we're already at >20% funded, and that's really heartening and wonderful. 

Oscar Wilde himself was not a big fan of early risers, as he wrote in the original Picture of Dorian Gray:

“They get up early, because they have so much to do, and go to bed early, because they have so little to think about.

But in this case, we are so glad you guys are up early and came to us early.   

There's still a long way to go, but we're so glad to have you onboard and in our family.  Please do help us spread the word and further the cause.   We've spent two years making this story, and now we have 30 days to launch it into the world. 

I"ll keep this one brief,  so here's one question to ask as we push forward.    GRAY takes a story 130 years old and reinvents it for our current moment. What other stories from the past do you think are more relevant than ever today?

Answers on a digital postcard.  (Or more easily, in the comments below). 

all best wishes,    Arvind + team Gray